CTR - Green Jobs in Leather Sector in Modjo

Strengthen social cohesion by supporting local economic and social development initiatives, especially for women and youth living in Modjo area; and enhancing industrial and labour relations in the MLC
impact2 indicators
Nr of of women and youth transitioning to green jobs in the leather value chain (including new and existing jobs with improved conditions)
Enumerators: -No unlocked periods
% increase of income level of target groups (disaggregated by sex) (LISEC programme indicator)
Enumerators: -No unlocked periods
Improved skills and access to decent and green (self) employment opportunities in Modjo and nearby communities
outcome2 indicators
Enumerators: -No unlocked periods
Nr of the supported MSMEs meeting the pre-set preconditions for the sustainability of their operations
Enumerators: -No unlocked periods
Improved capacities of tanneries and other leather actors in waste management and manufacturing practices
outcome2 indicators
Nr of leather companies complying with LWG self-assessment
Enumerators: -No unlocked periods
% increase in workers' satisfaction levels regarding working conditions in tanneries (by type of work and disaggregat
Enumerators: -No unlocked periods
Improved social cohesion in Modjo and nearby communities
outcome3 indicators
% of women’s saving groups members reporting greater economic independence at the end of the action
Enumerators: -No unlocked periods
% of GBV survivors receiving case management services whose satisfaction score is at least 80%
Enumerators: -No unlocked periods
% of people living in communities affected by tanneries operations who have improved perception of tanneries’ work
Enumerators: -No unlocked periods
Coordination and knowledge management mechanisms are in place among project implementers and leather stakeholders
output1 indicators
Nr of multi-stakeholder groups and learning mechanisms formed and regularly gathering (EUTF indicator)
Enumerators: -No unlocked periods
Improved capacities of service providers (One Stop Center, TVET, etc) in Modjo to provide support to unemployed youth and women (IRC)
output2 indicators
Nr of service providers’ staff who have acquired the desired skills
Enumerators: -No unlocked periods
% of youth satisfied with services providers capacities
Enumerators: -No unlocked periods
500 youth have attended improved TVET short term courses and apprenticeship in LLP sector (PIN)
output2 indicators
Nr of people benefiting from professional trainings (TVET) and/or skills development (EUTF indicator)
Enumerators: -No unlocked periods
Nr of youth participating in apprenticeship/ internship program
Enumerators: -No unlocked periods
2,500 youth have enhanced capacities to develop their business and at least 10 newly created or existing leather related MSMEs supported to develop their business in the leather value chain, including with Financial support.
output2 indicators
Nr of youth who have successfully attended the YLP
Enumerators: -No unlocked periods
Nr of newly created or existing MSMEs supported by the action (EUTF indicator)
Enumerators: -No unlocked periods
Enhanced knowledge /skills/capacities of relevant private and public partners to improve solid waste management in the leather sector
output1 indicators
Nr of leather waste management processes adopted by LIDI
Enumerators: -No unlocked periods
Improved knowledge, skills and access to technology in leather solid waste management
output1 indicators
Nr of tanneries with appropriate solid waste management systems
Enumerators: -No unlocked periods
Improved knowledge, attitude and practices of leather companies on good industrial manufacturing practices
output1 indicators
Nr of tanneries with health and safety regulation and with “well-functioning” grievances procedures ( LISEC)
Enumerators: -No unlocked periods
Tanneries and other LLP companies have implemented CSR
output1 indicators
Nr of factories/ tanneries with CSR policies in place,
Enumerators: -No unlocked periods